To me, my X-Men!
What’s there to say that hasn’t already been said about the X-Men? They are easily some of comic books most recognizable teams and for good reason! Not only is it consistently telling quality stories about marginalized groups and discrimination in the form of superheroes, but it also has had a myriad of movies, video games, tv shows, and more! Now the X-Men haven’t always had a home run when it comes to it’s movies, but with the recent boom of the X-Men ’97 TV show we’d be remiss not to talk about all the cool mutants that are in this beloved property. So join Tuong and his Brotherhood of Mutant Weirdos Angus MacDonald, Rich Hilborn, and Taylor Fleming as they mind meld their brains in Cerebro and come up with a Top 5 X-Men Characters list!
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Ground Rules
- We wanted to name the episode “X-Men Characters” to include villains and all mutants in this universe. So non-mutants don’t count even if they are characters in this world (ie: Sentinels, Juggernaut, Bolivar Trask, etc.)
- This episode is not the “most powerful mutants”. Just our favourites.
- We are pulling from X-Men across all mediums: Comics, movies, video games, tv, etc.
- Some characters in comics go through “good guy” “bad guy” phases. If we are judging them based on their personalities, we’ll lean towards how they are portrayed for the most part across their stories. (ie: Captain America was bad for like a series in a run of comics but we would still consider him a good guy)
**Spoilers below is our Group Top 5 as well our unordered honourable mentions**
Group Top 5
5. Wolverine
4. Rogue
3. Night Crawler
2. Magneto
1. Storm
Tuong’s List
- Cyclops
- Wolverine
- Beast
- Night Crawler
- Emma Frost
- Storm
- Gambit
- Cable
- X-23
- Darwin
- Magik
- Colossus
- Bishop
- Iceman
- Apocalypse
Angus’s List
- Gambit
- Nightcrawler
- Rogue
- Cable
- Mystique
- Psylocke
- Omega Red
- Apocalypse
- Angel
- Sabretooth
- Darwin
Rich’s List
- Magneto
- Emma Frost
- Jean Grey
- Darwin
- Elixer
- Hellion
- Boom Boom
- Callisto
Taylor’s List
- Storm
- Kitty Pryde
- Magik
- Nightcrawler
- Rogue
- Emma Frost
- Mirage
- Laura Kinney Wolverine
- Psylocke
- Dazzler
- Manifold
- Cannonball
- Sunspot
- Monet