
165 – Top 5 Movies of 2023

It’s Oscar season baby, let’s talk movies!

Get ready for a wild ride through the glitz and glamour of Hollywood movies as we dish out all the juiciest takes of our favourite movies of 2023, leading up to the 96th Academy Awards. From nuclear bombs to star-crossed lovers to massive amounts of Kenergy, we’ll be your trusty guides through the cinematic rollercoaster that’s kept audiences on the edge of their seats all year long. So grab your popcorn, cozy up on the couch, and join Tuong La, Taylor Fleming, Alyssa Wooldridge, and Laura Gordon as they rank Top 5 Movies of 2023!

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146 – Top 5 Movies of 2022

The Oscars? Psh. We got the real best movies of 2022 right here!

It’s that time of year again where the folks at Ranked celebrate our favourite movies of last year in our annual Top 5 Movies episode! And what a year for movies we had in 2022 from action, drama, rom-coms, animation, horror, etc. there was something of great quality for everyone in 2022 (except for arguably super-hero films #sorrynotsorry). So join Tuong La and Film Nerds Taylor Fleming, Alyssa Wooldrige, and Laura Gordon as they slap the Oscars out of the way to bring you the real Top 5 Movies of 2022.

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Ep 71 – Spy (2015) with Krystal Merrells

“I don’t condone this sexy yet reckless behavior, Susan Cooper!”

Paul Feig has brought some of the most iconic properties in the last few decades into the world from Freaks and Geeks to The Heat to even Bridesmaids. This week, we watch a Paul Feig film that isn’t talked about enough that is full of a non-stop barrage of jokes and laughs. So join Tuong and Super Spy Krystal Merrells as they talk about improv and the comedic brilliance of Melissa McCarthy in 2015’s Spy!

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E59 – TAKEN: Through Time

Live from the emerald isle! The Improv Punch Up is back for another episode to celebrate the most Shamrock of holidays….St. Patty’s Day! Hear a tale of Young Laddy and Old Laddy, where a fateful pint at the pub sets off a journey through time, through dance, and through accents! We certainly believe you’ll be…..TAKEN…..with it!

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Ep 61 – MacGruber (2010) with Brie Watson

“Time to go pound some Cunth!”

These days when you say Saturday Night Live we often think about the weekly sketch show featuring a famous Hollywood guest host and some popular music artist. But Saturday Night Live is far more than a bunch of sketches. Over the years, SNL has put out a ton of original movies based on it’s sketches, among other things, and put these ideas on the big screen. This week on Talkin’ Tuong, Tuong and Improv Niagara/The Constant Struggle’s Brie Watson take a look at Will Forte’s third-rate MacGyver, mullet loving, throat ripping action hero – MacGruber (2010)!

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Ep 56 – Die Hard (1988) with Desiree Connors Warmington

“Yippee ki-yay, motherfucker!

It’s still Christmas in the PodCavern this week because we, of course, couldn’t do a holiday movie month of Talkin’ Tuong without talking about the most debated “Is this a Christmas Movie” of all time. That’s right! Join Tuong La and DIE HARD fan of Die Hard, Desiree Connors Warmington, as they talk about the early action hero days of Bruce Willis, why this movie is so dang popular over the holidays, and how good Alan Rickman’s American accent is as they watch this 1988 classic to close off 2020!

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Imagine the shark from JAWS and the aliens from A Quiet Place had a baby. That basically explains the giant sand-worms from Tremors. So grab Kevin Bacon and some sticks of dynamite because these suckers are hungry! From Perfection, Nevada to the South Pacific in Tremors: Shrieker Island, learn all about legendary battles with the Graboids, Shriekers, Dirt Dragons and Ass-Blasters.

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Resident Evil

Are you a fan of the Resident Evil games and awesome movies!? If you answered ‘Yes’ to either, this might not be franchise for you. Taylor and Steph are locked-and-loaded to make their way through Paul W. S. Anderson’s horror/sci-fi/action FILMS! Grab some popcorn for the nu-metal nightmare that is Resident Evil (2002) and throw out the continuity for the series conclusion Resident Evil: The Final Chapter (2016). Find out how things went so off the rails for Alice, the Umbrella Corps. and the fans(?) of this series.

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