
184 – Top 5 Video Games of 2024

It’s our final, epic Game of the Year ranking!

For the past 8 years, we’ve celebrated the awesome power that is video games with our GOTY deliberations. We’ve witnessed the gaming landscape change drastically over the years, but through thick and thin, we’ve delivered Top 5 lists of our favourite gaming experiences through rowdy and passionate debates. What makes PodCavern’s GOTY lists special? They’re crafted not by a gaming publication, YouTube/Twitch channel, or sponsored by a third party, but by everyday gamers who simply love video games and talking about them. We’ve gladly poured our blood, sweat, and pixels into this process year after year, playing games like it’s our job (it’s not!), just to create these lists, celebrate the medium, and frankly, have an excuse to nerd out about a topic that is near and dear to our hearts.

But now as this podcast is coming to an end, the day has come for us to rest, put down the controller, and make space for others to marathon video games and create their own lists. But not before one last victory lap! Join Tuong La and Gaming Legends Angus MacDonald, Ethan Howieson, and Mathew Whalley as they ‘press start’ together once more to rank Top 5 Video Games of 2024!

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142 – Top 5 Video Games of 2022

Starting the year like we always do…ranking games of last year!

Now you might be asking, “PodCavern, isn’t it a little late to be releasing the best video games of 2022 list when so many websites have already done that in December?”. To that we say, “No”. So join Tuong La and self-proclaimed gaming LEGENDS Angus MacDonald, Ethan Howieson, and Mathew Whalley as they compile all their knowledge and hours of gaming from last year into one mega sized podcast so that they can come up with the Top 5 Video Games of 2022!

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DD54 – Big Hero 6 (2014)

The Disney Dummies are holding out for a Hiro – and may have got more than they bargained for with Big Hero 6. With a high-stakes plot and an unforgettable cast of characters (were lookin’ at you, Aunt Cass), this movie’s emotional gut punches are matched only by its final Hail Mary rocket-fist thruster punch…but we promise that it’ll leave you satisfied with your care.

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Ep 110 – Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (2022) with whinnaay

“Sonic, meet Knuckles.”

This week join Tuong and Twitch streamer extraordinaire whinnaay as they talk about the joys and struggles of streaming, whinnaay’s lack of popculture knowledge, and their love of everyone’s favorite blue hedgehog in his latest hit movie sequel – Sonic the Hedgehog 2!

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130 – Top 5 Movies of 2021

Wait did any movies even come out last year?

The pandemic has made the timing of movie releases weird. Movies endlessly have been getting delayed and it really seemed like nothing came out in 2021. With the Oscars coming up, y’know the most prestigious awards show nobody watches, we once again took it upon ourselves to reflect on if there was anything even worth watching or talking about for this year’s best movie podcast. The answer was YES! Even in a sea of delayed films, there was a number of great stuff that came out last year that supplied that much-needed escapism that only movies can provide, transporting our minds away from the harsh reality of real life and into a world of imagination and wonder. So join Tuong and Movie Lovers Nivala Maharaj, Jesse Anderson, and Alyssa Wooldridge as they binge all the films from last year to bring you a Top 5 Movies of 2021 list!

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Ep 107 – The Batman (2022) with Matt Barrow

“I’m Vengeance!”

This week join Tuong and The Dark Knight of the PodCavern, Matt Barrow, as they talk about a dash of Marvel, a pinch of Star Wars, and whole heaping spoon of DC comic talk including our thoughts on 2021’s The Batman!

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Ep 100 – 100th Episode Spectacular Bonanza

We made it to 100!

We did it everyone! Talkin’ Tuong has officially hit a big ol’ milestone today with the release of episode 100! Join the titular Tuong from Talkin’ Tuong as he reminisces about the history of this very special show while looking ahead to the future. Also if you have never listened to an episode of TT, there has never been a better time! With relentless stupidity and determination, Tuong decided to celebrate today’s occasion by giving a micro-review of EVERY SINGLE movie, game, show, etc. he’s ever talked about on this show all the way back starting from episode 1. Will this be an episode you want to miss? No. Will this be entertaining for you as a listener? Maybe. Will Tuong have fun anyways recording this thing even if talking to yourself for a long stretch of time makes you go a little crazy? Absolutely. So sit back and enjoy Tuong ramble on and on with Talkin’ Tuong’s 100th Episode Spectacular Bonanza!

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Ep 99 – Eternals (2021) with Justin Godelie

“You’re about to meet the greatest warriors the world has ever known. Legendary, fashionable, powerful.”

This week join Tuong and 7000 year old God/Pull the Plug’s Justin Godelie as they miss all the Disney Plus day news and instead talk about dad life, Vin Diesel and Dwayne Johnson’s ongoing Fast + Furious beef, why Henry Cavill deserves a good Superman movie, and our movie of the week ..Eternals (2021)!

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Ep 95 – Venom: Let There Be Carnage (2021) with Dan Foerster

“All I wanted in this world is carnage”

This week join Tuong and our favorite alien symbiote Dan Foerster as they talk about new daddy life, Bezos wasting money going to space, how cartoonishly violent Home Alone traps are, and why our movie of the week made us physically face palm in the theaters – 2021’s Venom: Let There Be Carnage.

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Ep 91- Shang-Chi and The Legend of the Ten Rings (2021) with Justine Phan

“If You Aim At Nothing, You Hit Nothing.”

This week join Tuong and special guest Justine Phan as they talk about hot dudes, Asian representation, fancy French pastries, and more while celebrating the first Asian-led superhero movie and global phenomenon – Shang-Chi and The Legend of the Ten Rings.

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