
105 – Top 5 Old People Who Could Kick Your Ass

Age is just a number, especially to these butt-woopin’ seniors.

When we think of old people it is easy to immediately imagine that stereotype of a feeble hunched-back, white-haired individual that’s slowly shuffling along with their walking cane and shaking their fist at kids. Well today’s nominees completely shatter that stereotype in such a way that if you were to ever compare them to it, you would wish you never mentioned it. Join Tuong La and Ass Kicking Experts Kristine Shadid, Paul JP, and Amanda Parker as they clench their butts while talking about Top 5 Old People Who Could Kick Your Ass!

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92 – Top 5 Emojis

This week’s episode >>> The Emoji Movie.

Emoji’s have been around for over the last 20 years and have been on a steady incline of popularity. These electronic/digital ideograms have completely taken over how we speak to each other in the modern era and inject a sense of personality and emotion into our messages that normal words cannot do as seamlessly. So this week join Tuong La and Living Emoticons Victoria Lulloff , Kristine Shadid, and Amanda Parker as they communicate and translate their feelings digitally to make a Top 5 Emojis list!

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